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Aquaponics for the Win, Literally

Jennifer Polanz
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Nelson & Pade Inc., an aquaponics supplies company in Montello, Wisconsin, recently won a Wisconsin Innovation Award for its contributions of innovative solutions in the state. The company was one of nine who won the award out of 28 finalists and more than 300 nominees. Nelson & Pade won the manufacturing category, while other winners were in biotechnology, business-to-business, non-profit, and HealthIT, among other categories.

Nelson & Pade, which has been advancing the aquaponics discipline for 30 years (and hydroponics even before that) was honored in early October at an awards ceremony with the other winners in Madison, Wisconsin. The company doesn’t just sell the aquaponics systems, either. It also invests heavily in educating growers through online courses, certificate training programs and grower support. IG

Pictured: Nelson & Pade co-founders and co-owners John Pade and Rebecca Nelson hold up a raft from one of their aquaponics growing systems.



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