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RII Releases Working Group Topics for CEA Accelerator

Dr. Sean Campbell

The Resource Innovation Institute (RII), a not-for-profit often featured in Inside Grower for their educational courses, announced the working group topics for its CEA Accelerator Project. Hosted in partnership with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), the working groups are tasked with bringing together “members from the public sector, academia, private sector and growers to examine critical issues relevant to the ongoing advancement of Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA).” The three working groups include:

● Energy Management Working Group: Addressing challenges and opportunities related to energy management in CEA, including strategic energy management, demand response and distributed generation

● Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Advanced Robotics Working Group: Will collaboratively formulate industry best practices for the effective adoption of these technologies in CEA

● Industry Working Group on High-Tech Greenhouse Knowledge Transfer: Dedicated to facilitating the exchange of expertise, best practices and innovative strategies between the United States and established markets in the Netherlands and Canada

Groups initiated work last May with the responsibility of producing a Best Practices Guide to act as a resource for CEA producers to implement and manage in their own operations. The goal is for completion in early 2025. Visit for more details.  



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