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Meet Dr. Sean Campbell

Jennifer Polanz
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There have been a lot of changes at Inside Grower recently. One change you might have already noticed is the e-newsletter switchover from me (Jen Polanz) to Dr. Sean Campbell, a research scientist with a Ph.D. from the University of Florida who's worked in the vertical farm space. He has experience in sensory evaluation, developing new products and in controlled environment agriculture. He currently works as a senior consultant for Grow Big and he took over the Inside Grower e-newsletter in February, so please give him a warm welcome! Here’s Sean to tell us a little about himself in his own words:

Thank you very much, Jen. I can't express how excited I am to be the newest member of the Ball Publishing team! As a former (aka forever) Gator and UC-Davis Aggie, it is incredible to see the breadth of talent contributing to the field of controlled environment agriculture and I can't wait to learn alongside you readers as I help cover the latest CEA advancements, setbacks and everything in between.

On a personal note, I'm always happy to hear from each and every one of you with thoughts and comments. Bonus points if you include your favorite suggestions for camping, hiking, national parks or anything else outdoors related!

I’ll continue to serve as managing editor of this publication and to help develop more digital resources for you, our readers!

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