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Oasis Introduces New RhizoPlug Sheet

Jennifer Polanz
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Precision is the key to indoor production and to help growers on this front Oasis Grower Solutions has introduced a new engineered foam growing media designed for precision vegetative propagation called OASIS RhizoPlug Sheet.

Inspired by its Rootcubes and the needs of CEA producers, the company came up with the next generation, decreasing the foam substrate’s density and resistance to facilitate easy, breakage-free sticking of clones while refining and improving the media’s cell structure and capillary action, according to the company.

“We listened when growers asked for a product to minimize sticking issues, maximize tip contact and support vigorous rooting,” said Vijay Rapaka, director of global grower operations and research at Oasis. “We created OASIS RhizoPlug in response to those needs, so cuttings can express their full rooting potential and our customers can succeed.”

Other benefits include advanced surfactant technology to rehydrate cuttings faster, superior capillary action and the use of food safe materials.


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